A Part:
Foundations of Business
Unit 1: Nature and Purpose of
Business Online Notes Page 1Ø Concept and characteristics of business; Business, profession and employment - distinctive features; Objectives of business - economic and social, role of profit in business; Classification of business activities: Industry and Commerce
Ø Industry - types: primary, secondary, tertiary
Ø Commerce: Trade and Auxiliaries
Ø Business risks - nature and causes.
Unit 2: Forms of Business Organisations
Ø Sole Proprietorship: meaning, features, merits and limitations.
Ø Partnership: features, types, registration, merits, limitations, types of partners;
Ø Joint Hindu Family Business : features, merits and limitations.
Ø Cooperative Societies: features , types, merits and limitations
Ø Company: Private Company, Public Company - features, merits and limitations;
Ø Choice of form of business organizations
Ø Starting a business - Basic factors.
Unit 3: Public, Private & Global Enterprises
Ø Private Sector and Public Sector
Ø Forms of organising public sector enterprises ; features, merits and limitations of following :
Ø Departmental Undertaking
Ø Statutory Corporation .
Ø Government Company
Ø Changing role of public sector
Ø Global Enterprises : features.
Unit 4: Business Services Online Notes Page 1 Page 2 Page 3
Ø Nature and types of Business services - Banking, Insurance, Transportation, Ware housing,Communication.
Ø Banking - types of Banks, Functions of Commercial banks, E- banking
Ø Insurance - principles, types: life, fire and marine
Ø Warehousing: types and functions
Ø Postal and Telecom services
Unit 5: Emerging Modes of Business
Ø E - B u s i n e s s - S c o p e a n d b e n e f i t s , R e s o u r c e s r e q u i r e d f o r s u c c e s s f u l e-business implementation, On-line transactions, payment mechanism, security and safety of business transactions.
Ø Outsourcing- concept, need and scope.
Unit 6: Social Responsibility of Business and Business Ethics
Ø Concept of social responsibility.
Ø Case for social responsibility;
Ø Responsibility towards owners, investors, employees, consumers, government and community
Ø Environmental protection and business
Ø Business ethics: concept and elements.
Part B:
Organisation, Finance and Trade
Unit 7: Formation of a Company Online Notes Page 1 Page 2 Page 3Ø Stages in the formation of a company: Promotion, Incorporation and Commencement of business
Unit 8: Sources of Business Finance Online Notes Page 1 Page 2 Page 3
Ø Nature and significance of business finance
Ø Owner's funds and borrowed funds
Ø Sources of raising Finance: Equity and Preference shares, Debentures and Bonds, Loan from Financial Institutions, Retained Profits, Global Depository Receipt, American Depository Receipt, Loans from commercial Banks, Public deposits, Trade Credit
Unit 9: Small Business
Ø Small Scale Industry: Tiny Sector; cottage and rural industry.
Ø Role of small business in rural India.
Ø Problems of small business in India.
Ø Government Assistance and Special Schemes for Industries in rural, backward and hilly areas.
Unit 10: Internal Trade
Ø Internal trade; types : wholesale and retail trade.
Ø Services of a wholesaler and a retailer
Ø Types of Retail Trade: Itinerant retailers and fixed shops, Departmental store, super market, malls, chain store, mail order business, consumer’s cooperative store, Automatic Vending Machine
Ø Role of Chamber of Commerce and Industry in promotion of internal trade.
Unit 11: International Business
Ø Nature and Importance of International Business;
Ø Ways of entering into International Business. Export-Import Procedures and documentation. Foreign Trade Promotion. Organizational support and incentives; Nature and importance of Export Processing Zone/Special Economic Zone; International Trade Institutions and Agreement: WTO, UNCTAD, World Bank, IMF.
Unit 12: Project Work
Suggestive/Illustrative Projects
Any one of the following:-
(i) Find out from local sample business unit (s) the various objectives they pursue.
(ii) Problems of setting up and running business units.
(iii) Enquiry into the ethics of running business through questionnaires.
(iv) Survey of quality of bank services in the local branch office.
(v) Study of postal and courier mail services.
(vi) Availability and use of agency services, advertising, packaging, investments in savings schemes, etc.
(vii) Survey of the popularity of credit cards issued by different banks.
(viii) Study the profile of a sole trader/partnership commenting on the nature and working of business.
(ix) Study of a Joint Hindu family business.
(x) Study of the organisational and functional aspects of any of the following cooperatives :
(i) Banking Cooperatives
(ii) Thrift and Credit Societies.205
(iii) Cooperative Consumer Stores
(iv) Diary Cooperatives.
(v) Housing Cooperatives
(vi) Marketing Cooperatives
(xi) Study of a small business unit regarding source of finance.
(xii) Study of nature of small traders (like hawkers and pedlars in a specific locality) with reference to types of goods, capital investment, turnover.
(xiii) Study of weekly bazaar in a locality.
(xiv) Study of franchise retail store.
(xv) Study of export/import procedure of any article.
(xvi) Problems of women entrepreneurs in business.
(xvii) Survey of waste/garbage disposal by a business enterprise
(xviii) Study of pavement trade.
Prepare a scrapbook and collect articles on the changing role of public sector and any other topics related to the syllabus.
Ma r k s ma y b e s u i t a b l y d i s t r i b u t e d o v e r t h e d i f f e r e n t p a r t s o f t h e P r o j e c t R e p o r t -
1. Objectives
2. Methodology
3. Conclusions - findings and suggestions